Cyprus is a beautiful country to live. The quality of life is higher than you believe. The weather is perfect all year round, and it brings more and more tourists, who help to boost the EU Member State's economy. You can expect high profit through the necessary investment for your immigration process.
Summer and winter
The Cypriot summer is one of a kind experience. Hot, sunny and active with programs, parties and all experience a Mediterranean island can offer. There are 49 official Blue Flag beaches in Cyprus.
Meanwhile, there is practically no winter in Cyprus. The winter is mild and sunny, the average temperature is.
Perhaps, you've never thought about skiing in Winter but Cyprus, you can do that because Troodos mountains offer the best service for that. The Cypriot winter is different from the other European countries you will not feel the harsh cold weather, the average maximum temperature is 17–18 °C during the day and 8–9 °C at night.
Easy access through immigration programmes
The immigration rules of Cyprus are relaxed, and the country welcomes investor residents and citizens. 3336 wealthy immigrants (family members included) invested for the valuable EU citizenship of Cyprus between 2008 and 2018. The Cypriot citizenship by investment program has fetched app. five billion euros Cyprus.
Non-European applicants can become Cypriot residents if they invest in a residential real estate of a total value of 300,000 euros. The new resident must prove the purchase with a payment of at least 200,000 euros and VAT. Interestingly, the property can be bought by a company as well if it is registered under the name of the applicant (or his/her spouse.) Another requisite is the proof of an annual income of 30,000 euros. The administrative part of the process takes only two months.
There are only two countries in the European Union, which have official citizenship by investment programmes, Cyprus and Malta. In exchange for the Cypriot citizenship and passport, the applicants can choose from various investment options. However, most of the wealthy new citizens opted for the real estate purchase option. In that case, the investor must buy one or more properties for at least two million euros.
Reasonable taxes
The corporate tax rate is 12,5%, which is one of the lowest rates in the European Union. Only Bulgaria, Hungary and Malta have lower rates among the Member States. The highest individual income tax rate is 35% for incomes above 60,000 euros.
Booming real estate development sector
Investors may gain high profits on their real estate investments because of the fast developing tourism industry. In July of 2017, the number of tourists in Cyprus reached the all-time top 531030 people in a single month. The average tourist spends 77 euros/day, which is one of the best offers in Europe and guarantees the full house during the high season. Meanwhile, the mild winter attracts tourists as well, and that's why the tourism industry brings profit during the twelve months of the year.
Cyprus became a gay-friendly country during the last couple of years. The island nation joined the European Union in 2004, and since then the conservative society got to know the LGBTQ+ values and accepted the discrimination-free European rules, independently from the sexual orientation. Gays, lesbians and transsexuals may not marry in Cyprus yet, but same-sex couples can register their partnership and Cyprus recognise if a same-sex couple marries in another country.
Are you interested in obtaining more information on the immigration programs of Cyprus? Contact us here!