You can become an EU resident or even citizen quickly, and you can move to the European Union through residency or citizenship by investment programmes. There are dozens of immigration options and solutions of the different EU countries.
Most of the third country nationals, who want to receive the right to live, work and study in the European Union chose the option to invest in residential or industrial properties. It is good to know that property prices are increasing in Europe. Only some Mediterranean countries are still recovering from the global financial crisis, and their real estate sector suffered the most during the hard years. However, these nations experience the highest growth in their markets now.
Regarding investments in the property sector, Greece offers permanent resident status in exchange for purchasing a property of 250,000 EUR. In Portugal, the applicants can buy property for the Golden Visa, and they also can enter into more affordable renovation and revitalisation projects.
However, Portugal offers other attractive options not only for the wealthy applicants but for those entrepreneurs as well, who want to move through a streamlined and affordable immigration solution. These are the new "Start-up Entrepreneurship" and the "Cultural Production" options. All EU Member States with residency or citizenship by investment programmes introduced several solutions for investors and entrepreneurs, but these two schemes may help you to understand that not only wealth but talent can also help you to move in the European Union. The new Start-up Entrepreneurship investment option of the Portuguese Golden Visa Programme will be launched during the spring of 2018!
There is no minimum investment for the Start-up Entrepreneurship option. The requisites are forming a new company or move an existing firm to Portugal. It is necessary to present a business plan, and the company's value must reach 350,000 EUR after the three years incubation period. The applicants also may use non-refundable EU financing (35-60%)! Family members are included, the processing time should be less than half year. However, the relevant incubators may decide, which start-up has future and it means that the decision on the immigration issues will be based on the opinion of the experts from the start-up incubator.
The Cultural Production option is a desirable and profitable alternative solution of the Portuguese Golden Visa. The necessary amount of investment is a refundable 250,000 EUR. The Government helps with a 20-25% tax rebate incentive; the process may take maximum half years, as in the previous option. Applicants invest mostly in international film productions, made in Portugal. Other candidates help summer festivals or high-profile art exhibitions in museums.
The UK is leaving the EU, but its Tier1 residency by investment scheme has an excellent option for entrepreneurs.
Advantages of the UK Tier1 Entrepreneur visa:
The residents may form a company or take over an existing business
You can be employed to work your business, and being self-employed,
bring your family members in the United Kingdom
However, you can work only for your business, so it is unacceptable to get a second job, and you do not will have access to public funds.
Ask here for detailed advice on the alternative residency by investment options!