Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender travellers may face unexpected issues as several countries have a different approach to same-sex couples or homosexual activity.
To avoid problems, it worth to prepare for the journey. A good guidebook will help for sure, but blogs, chat rooms and different forums are also providing the necessary information.
If you plan to visit a country, where homosexuality is still banned, or even punished, also check the other related posts on kemptownmigration.com ( category/news/)
The UK's government published relevant information (https://www.gov.uk/foreign- travel-advice) for LGBT travellers, another important source is the CIA's "The World Factbook". (https://www.cia.gov/library/ publications/the-world- factbook/)
Even in the countries, where same-sex relations are allowed, the tolerance of the society can vary significantly. Unwanted attention is avoidable and the best for "all couples to stay away from overt public displays of affection".
In several countries, where the environment is hostile to the LGBT community, you must take care of organising personal meetings with unknown people through online applications. According to the UK government in several countries, right-wing groups and the police also may carry out entrapment campaigns.
When you are travelling and receive unwelcoming gestures, remarks or attention, don't pick a fight, find a safe location and call the police (depending on that state you are visiting.)
Check the availability of the rural hotels for same-sex couples before the journey because those may refuse to book, if online sources indicate unfriendly approach, perhaps it might be the best to exercise more discretion.
What can you do if you encounter problems as a gay tourist?
The most obvious and always to do the first step is to contact your embassy. Take the phone number and the address of the embassy with you all the time.
Transgender people's identity in the passport
Transgender travellers may face difficulties at frontiers or border controls if their photo in the official travel documents does not align with their actual appearance.
The TOP 10 gay-friendly tourism destinations
You can find several lists of gay-friendly and safe countries. Perhaps, their standard feature is that all safe travel destinations are developed countries, with some exceptions as Uruguay.
According to the safe country tourism list for gays of the independent.com, the most gay-friendly country is Denmark, followed by New Zealand, Canada, USA (Palm Springs and New York), Spain, Germany, Greece, Iceland and finally Uruguay.
If you are looking for safe countries for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual community, it is worth to obtain information on the EU residency by investment programs by contacting us here ( contact/)
The 10 worst places for LGBT tourists and travellers
According to the list of outtraveler.com, we can find the most anti-gay sentiments in the following countries:
Nigeria, where 97% of the inhabitants think that being gay is unacceptable. The emerging African nation is followed by Honduras, Zimbabwe, Jamaica, Senegal, Sudan, Egypt, Russia, Uganda and Somalia.
Being homosexual can mean imprisonment and even death penalty, you can read here ( 2017/12/04/gay-lesbian- bisexual-transsexual-rights- africa/) more on the LGBT rights issues of all African countries.